Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Boating for the first time!

Addy got to go boating for the first time in Fremont when great grandma Ruth was in town! She had so much fun! She put her feet in the water and didn't mind her life-jacket! When the boat started moving Addy would fall alseep! We think she is ready for Tablerock!!!

To Kansas City!

Every year for Christmas we give Aunt Wendy the gift of help around the house so this year Addy helped too! I don't think we got as much done this year as last year but that is because we were distracted by the beautiful baby!

My Roxie Dog

Grandpa's Daycare (more fun!)

Like I have written in the past Addy is at grandpa's when I am at work. We are so so so lucky that she gets to stay with family! They have so much fun! Great Grandma Ruth came to town and stayed for a whole week so Addy and great grandma got a lot of good bonding time together. Here are some picutres from grandpa's daycare!

4 Months

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated Addy's page in a while but our computer has been acting up! At Addy's 4 month appointment she weighed 14lbs 5oz (75th percentile) and was 25 inches (95th percentile)! She is growing up so fast! She is rolling over, smiling, and is just a happy, happy baby! Here are some picture of Addy at 4 and 5 months. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I love to swim!

Addy loved to swim in her yellow duck swimming pool. We are trying to get her ready for the big pool in Tablerock!!!

First time at the zoo!

We took Addy to the zoo for the first time Memorial day weekend. Little did we know that all the parents in Omaha were taking they kids too! We tried to take her through the aquarium but we were in a stand still for 10 minutes so we took the emergency exit. We did get to see the giraffes and the gorillas. It was so hot but we did have fun!