Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Hope everyone had a great mother's day! I know I had great first mother's day! We had my family and Kevin's family over. We grilled out, played with the Baggs game, watched a movie, and of course palyed with Addy! It was a great day!

3 months

Addyson is a little over three months and is growing up to fast! She weighs 13lb 9oz! She is smiling all the time, starting to recognize people, holds her head up great, is reaching for toys, and have fun going places with mommy and daddy! I can't imagine my life without her! I don't know what we did or talked about before Addy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grandpa's Daycare!!!

I went back to work April 28th 2009. I cried as Kevin and Addy left, I cried the whole way to work, and I cried with a nurse friend Jenny at work who had just come back to work too! After all the crying I remembered where Addy was and had a good day back. It makes it so much easier knowing that she is with my dad! They have so much fun. They play, read books, take Daisy for a walk, etc. I can call anytime to get a update and listen to her talk and play! I also leave my camera in the diaper bag so grandpa takes pictures everyday so I don't miss a thing! Here are so pictures from "grandpa daycare" Enjoy!

Staying with the grandparents!

So Addy has spent the night at grandma & grandpa's and nana & papa's! She stayed with grandma and grandpa so mom and dad could go out for the first time since Addy was born! We were able to go out with Amy and Jake to dinner and then hang out. We had a great time even though we talked about our kids the whole time! (Ok I talked about Addy the whole time!) Then the next weekend Addy spent the night with nana and papa after Chris and Sara's wedding. We are so lucky to have both sets of grandparents so close! Of course Addy had a great time! Thanks Grandparents! We love you!

Chris and Sara's Wedding

Addy went to her first wedding April 25th 2009. Addy went to the rehearsal dinner at the Garden Cafe and the next day went to the wedding and the reception. She did great! Daddy was the best man so she talked a little at the wedding so he would know that she was there! She danced at the wedding and hung out with her friend Zack. At the end of the night she went home with nana and papa so mommy could have fun at the reception! It was a great weekend. Sunday we all slept a lot!

Garret's Cause

April 19th 2009 Addy, mommy and daddy, grandma and grandpa, papa and nana, Aunt Crystal and Uncle Corey, Great grandma bev and her friend went to a fundraiser called "Garretts cause". Garrett is a nephew of a good friend on our family that was playing outside with some friends on April 14 2008 when he suffered a head injury and passed away at the young age of 10 years old. His family has a fundraiser every year in his honor to help raise money for the community. If you would like to contribute to the Garrett's cause and see pictures of Addy at the fundraiser visit