Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Welcome to Addyson's Blog Page! We thought we would create a blog page so everyone can see Addyson as she grows! Addyson was born February 4th, 2009. She weighed 10lbs 7ozs and was 22inches long! Addyson is 6 weeks old and is a lot of fun!!! She is starting to coo, smile, and play with her jungle gym! She also has quite the attitude! Her daddy calls it her Addy-tude! She lets us know if she is unhappy. She is getting lots of attention from both sets of grandparents and her aunts and uncles. She is definitely getting use to being held. I am very lucky that I was able to take 12 weeks off from work to stay home with her! I have 6 weeks left and I am not looking forward to going back! When I do go back to work we are lucky because my dad is going to watch her! I don't want to go back and my dad is counting down until I go back! Well I hope you enjoy our blog page of Miss Addyson Lin! We will try to keep it up dated!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! She is SO precious! You better keep this up...:) oh, and just don't go back to work. hehe. love ya!

    katy delli
