Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hoppy Easter

Hoppy Easter Everyone! Hope you all had a GREAT easter! We sure did! We started our day at church where Addy decided to poop all over her pretty easter dress and the car seat! I think she was in her dress for 45 minutes! Lucky I she had a shirt that said "I love the Easter bunny". After church we went to nana and papa's to open easter baskets, then to my parents house to eat. We are very lucky because we were able to spend easter with both families. Kevin's parents, sister, brother, and grandma came over to my parents to eat with my parents, sister, brother-in-law, my grandma and Aunt Wendy. It was a great first easter with Addy and all her family! She is definitely loved!

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1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a wonderful first Easter with Addy. She is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her! Sorry we couldn't meet you in KC, we will have to try for a different weekend.-Sara-
