Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Boating for the first time!

Addy got to go boating for the first time in Fremont when great grandma Ruth was in town! She had so much fun! She put her feet in the water and didn't mind her life-jacket! When the boat started moving Addy would fall alseep! We think she is ready for Tablerock!!!

To Kansas City!

Every year for Christmas we give Aunt Wendy the gift of help around the house so this year Addy helped too! I don't think we got as much done this year as last year but that is because we were distracted by the beautiful baby!

My Roxie Dog

Grandpa's Daycare (more fun!)

Like I have written in the past Addy is at grandpa's when I am at work. We are so so so lucky that she gets to stay with family! They have so much fun! Great Grandma Ruth came to town and stayed for a whole week so Addy and great grandma got a lot of good bonding time together. Here are some picutres from grandpa's daycare!

4 Months

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated Addy's page in a while but our computer has been acting up! At Addy's 4 month appointment she weighed 14lbs 5oz (75th percentile) and was 25 inches (95th percentile)! She is growing up so fast! She is rolling over, smiling, and is just a happy, happy baby! Here are some picture of Addy at 4 and 5 months. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I love to swim!

Addy loved to swim in her yellow duck swimming pool. We are trying to get her ready for the big pool in Tablerock!!!

First time at the zoo!

We took Addy to the zoo for the first time Memorial day weekend. Little did we know that all the parents in Omaha were taking they kids too! We tried to take her through the aquarium but we were in a stand still for 10 minutes so we took the emergency exit. We did get to see the giraffes and the gorillas. It was so hot but we did have fun!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Hope everyone had a great mother's day! I know I had great first mother's day! We had my family and Kevin's family over. We grilled out, played with the Baggs game, watched a movie, and of course palyed with Addy! It was a great day!

3 months

Addyson is a little over three months and is growing up to fast! She weighs 13lb 9oz! She is smiling all the time, starting to recognize people, holds her head up great, is reaching for toys, and have fun going places with mommy and daddy! I can't imagine my life without her! I don't know what we did or talked about before Addy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grandpa's Daycare!!!

I went back to work April 28th 2009. I cried as Kevin and Addy left, I cried the whole way to work, and I cried with a nurse friend Jenny at work who had just come back to work too! After all the crying I remembered where Addy was and had a good day back. It makes it so much easier knowing that she is with my dad! They have so much fun. They play, read books, take Daisy for a walk, etc. I can call anytime to get a update and listen to her talk and play! I also leave my camera in the diaper bag so grandpa takes pictures everyday so I don't miss a thing! Here are so pictures from "grandpa daycare" Enjoy!

Staying with the grandparents!

So Addy has spent the night at grandma & grandpa's and nana & papa's! She stayed with grandma and grandpa so mom and dad could go out for the first time since Addy was born! We were able to go out with Amy and Jake to dinner and then hang out. We had a great time even though we talked about our kids the whole time! (Ok I talked about Addy the whole time!) Then the next weekend Addy spent the night with nana and papa after Chris and Sara's wedding. We are so lucky to have both sets of grandparents so close! Of course Addy had a great time! Thanks Grandparents! We love you!

Chris and Sara's Wedding

Addy went to her first wedding April 25th 2009. Addy went to the rehearsal dinner at the Garden Cafe and the next day went to the wedding and the reception. She did great! Daddy was the best man so she talked a little at the wedding so he would know that she was there! She danced at the wedding and hung out with her friend Zack. At the end of the night she went home with nana and papa so mommy could have fun at the reception! It was a great weekend. Sunday we all slept a lot!

Garret's Cause

April 19th 2009 Addy, mommy and daddy, grandma and grandpa, papa and nana, Aunt Crystal and Uncle Corey, Great grandma bev and her friend went to a fundraiser called "Garretts cause". Garrett is a nephew of a good friend on our family that was playing outside with some friends on April 14 2008 when he suffered a head injury and passed away at the young age of 10 years old. His family has a fundraiser every year in his honor to help raise money for the community. If you would like to contribute to the Garrett's cause and see pictures of Addy at the fundraiser visit garrettscause.org.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hoppy Easter

Hoppy Easter Everyone! Hope you all had a GREAT easter! We sure did! We started our day at church where Addy decided to poop all over her pretty easter dress and the car seat! I think she was in her dress for 45 minutes! Lucky I she had a shirt that said "I love the Easter bunny". After church we went to nana and papa's to open easter baskets, then to my parents house to eat. We are very lucky because we were able to spend easter with both families. Kevin's parents, sister, brother, and grandma came over to my parents to eat with my parents, sister, brother-in-law, my grandma and Aunt Wendy. It was a great first easter with Addy and all her family! She is definitely loved!

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Friday, April 10, 2009

2 Months

Addy is now 2 months old! Time is sure going fast! She had her 2 month check-up on Tuesday. She weighs 12lbs 9ozs (95th percentile)and is 24 inches long(95 percentile)! She also received her 2 month shots! I have been worried about these for a while! Two student nurses gave the shots and the nurse held her so mommy didn't have too! The nurse was talking with her and she was smiling and cooing until they poked her then her little lip quivered and she started screaming! I still cryed and I wasn't even holding her! She is doing great now!

First Trip to Kansas City!

April 4th 2009 Addy, Kevin, and I made Addy's first trip down to KC to see my Grandma and Aunt Wendy! Addy did GREAT! She slept the whole way down, played a lot, shopped, and only had a half hour of crabby time! Then she slept the whole way home! Grandma and Aunt Wendy enjoyed seeing Addy and Kevin and I were spoiled by grandma with all of our favorite foods! We had a great time!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Addy's Little Friends

Addy has had a fun time meeting her new little friends. We went to our friends Amy and Jake's house where Connor would sing to Addy and she just stared at him the whole time! Our friends Joe and Tricia had a baby boy Zackary on March 26th. He was 6lbs 5oz. Addy visited him in the hospital the day he was born. She looks like his body guard right now but I'm sure he will catch up! I'm sure she will have many play dates in the future!

Almost 2 months!

So I am still learning how to add picture slide shows to my blog page and some how this song appeared! I have never heard it before but o well I hope you enjoy the pictures anyway! Addy is changing everyday! She is starting to smile a lot and has discovered her tongue and hands! She is always sticking out her tongue and when she looks at her hands she goes cross-eyed! We spend our days playing, eating, sleeping, reading books, doing tummy time, and visiting grandparents. We visit grandpa at this house or grandma at the office or nana at school. Addy is sure loved!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Welcome to Addyson's Blog Page! We thought we would create a blog page so everyone can see Addyson as she grows! Addyson was born February 4th, 2009. She weighed 10lbs 7ozs and was 22inches long! Addyson is 6 weeks old and is a lot of fun!!! She is starting to coo, smile, and play with her jungle gym! She also has quite the attitude! Her daddy calls it her Addy-tude! She lets us know if she is unhappy. She is getting lots of attention from both sets of grandparents and her aunts and uncles. She is definitely getting use to being held. I am very lucky that I was able to take 12 weeks off from work to stay home with her! I have 6 weeks left and I am not looking forward to going back! When I do go back to work we are lucky because my dad is going to watch her! I don't want to go back and my dad is counting down until I go back! Well I hope you enjoy our blog page of Miss Addyson Lin! We will try to keep it up dated!